Seminar with Dr Theresa 25-05-19
Seminar with Dr Theresa 25.05.2019
In May 2019 our volunteers were able to participate in the training, led by Theresa Scott Cianciolo and PastorScott Cianciolo
There, we were able to learn many things, such as:
– how to examine lungs, heart, sugar, blood pressure and many other things in a child – how to spot critical physical conditions, and how to react to them.
– what are some things, that distinguish kids with Down Syndrome, with autism, with Reactive attachment disorder (RAD).
– Basics of self defense – how to protect yourself and the child, when they are being offensive;
– how to put on braces for correction
– what are some things to remember, when organizing a trip to the orphanage.
You can watch the seminars with us now on our YouTube Channel!
Also, exciting announcement!
On the 7-8th of September, we will have a two-day trip to the orphanage for kids with the special needs, where we will have practical training for our volunteers.
This is a unique opportunity to learn, how to be useful for kids with special needs, and your opportunity to understand, how to actually help your mentees.
Join us for the trip!